Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How are the sessions structured?
A: Most StrongPath programs include a series of sessions conducted over the course of several weeks or months. Sessions are conducted remotely with a live, trained exercise physiologist or registered dietitian conducting the “course.” In addition, for certain programs, patients will complete independent exercise regimens between their sessions with our team members.
Q: Are StrongPath sessions individual or group?
A: Both. Creating a community of patients facing similar health circumstances contributes to StrongPath’s successful outcomes. Moreover, patients gain motivation and companionship by meeting in a remote group session with other patients.
For more individualized components of StrongPath’s remote care programs, like nutritional counseling, patients meet via Zoom on a one-on-one basis with their StrongPath team member.
Q: Is this program in-person or remote? How does it work?
A: Patients connect using their phones, computer, or tablet. Exercise components of StrongPath’s programs, including walking, are conducted with audio only to allow patients to walk outdoors, on a treadmill or wherever they feel most comfortable.
Q: What happens if a patient has a health crisis during one of the sessions?
A: Patients’ participating in StrongPath’s remote care programs utilize remote monitoring devices, and during remote sessions, they are supervised by a StrongPath team member. If a patient requires medical assistance during one of these sessions, the StrongPath team member conducting the session will call EMS.
Q: What programs does StrongPath offer?
A: Currently, StrongPath offers three programs:​
Q: How do providers benefit from offering StrongPath to patients?
A: StrongPath programs provide valuable, therapeutic care to your patients who require cardiac rehabilitation following a cardiac event or procedure, patients with metabolic conditions, and prostate cancer patients on androgen deprivation therapy.
In addition to the benefits for patients, providers earn substantial reimbursement from Medicare and commercial insurance carriers for patients who participate in StrongPath’s remote care programs. To determine the potential revenue your organization can earn, use our ROI calculator.